I had an idea that to practice my classes in python i would make a text based Top Trumps for characters from some of my favourite universes. Took a good week or two but here it is!
Download link for .py in python 3.4.3:
Below is the plain text code, any questions, please comment and ask!
import math
import random
import time
import random
import time
toon_list = [] #Python Lang
player_deck = []
cpu_deck = []
player_deck = []
cpu_deck = []
class character:
def __init__(self, name, health, stamina, morality, strength, height, will):
self.name = name
self.health = health
self.stamina = stamina
self.morality = morality
self.strength = strength
self.height = height
self.will = will
self.name = name
self.health = health
self.stamina = stamina
self.morality = morality
self.strength = strength
self.height = height
self.will = will
########################################################################Character definitions
vader = character(‘Darth Vader’, 85, 30, 40, 75, 80, 40)
finn = character('Finn’, 80, 80, 95, 90, 60, 80)
gandalf = character('Gandalf’, 75, 50, 100, 65, 90, 70)
tony_stark = character('Iron Man’, 85, 90, 90, 85, 60, 10)
batman = character('Batman’, 90, 90, 90, 80, 80, 10)
joker = character('The Joker’, 70, 90, 30, 40, 80, 50)
two_face = character('Two Face’, 70, 70, 50, 70, 80, 60)
superman = character('Superman’, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90)
wonder_woman = character('Wonder Woman’, 80, 75, 90, 80, 70, 95)
spider_man = character('Spider Man’, 70, 90, 70, 70, 80, 90)
finn = character('Finn’, 80, 80, 95, 90, 60, 80)
gandalf = character('Gandalf’, 75, 50, 100, 65, 90, 70)
tony_stark = character('Iron Man’, 85, 90, 90, 85, 60, 10)
batman = character('Batman’, 90, 90, 90, 80, 80, 10)
joker = character('The Joker’, 70, 90, 30, 40, 80, 50)
two_face = character('Two Face’, 70, 70, 50, 70, 80, 60)
superman = character('Superman’, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90)
wonder_woman = character('Wonder Woman’, 80, 75, 90, 80, 70, 95)
spider_man = character('Spider Man’, 70, 90, 70, 70, 80, 90)
all_cards = {'Darth Vader’:vader, 'Vader’:vader, 'vader’:vader, 'Finn’:finn, 'finn’:finn, 'White Wizard’:gandalf,
'white wizard’:gandalf, 'Stark’:tony_stark, 'Tony Stark’:tony_stark, 'Tony’:tony_stark, 'Iron man’:tony_stark,
'iron man’:tony_stark, 'gandalf’:gandalf, 'Gandalf’:gandalf, 'Batman’:batman, 'Bat man’:batman,
'Bat Man’:batman, 'BatMan’:batman, 'Bruce Wayne’:batman, 'bruce wayne’:batman, 'The Joker’:joker,
'the joker’:joker, 'joker’:joker, 'Joker’:joker, 'Two Face’:two_face, 'two face’:two_face,
'Harvey Dent’:two_face, 'harvey dent’:two_face, 'Twoface’:two_face, 'TwoFace’:two_face, 'superman’:superman,
'Superman’:superman, 'super man’:superman, 'Super Man’:superman, 'Super man’:superman, 'Wonder Woman’:wonder_woman,
'wonder woman’:wonder_woman, 'Wonderwoman’:wonder_woman, 'WonderWoman’:wonder_woman, 'Spider Man’:spider_man, 'spider man’:spider_man,
'white wizard’:gandalf, 'Stark’:tony_stark, 'Tony Stark’:tony_stark, 'Tony’:tony_stark, 'Iron man’:tony_stark,
'iron man’:tony_stark, 'gandalf’:gandalf, 'Gandalf’:gandalf, 'Batman’:batman, 'Bat man’:batman,
'Bat Man’:batman, 'BatMan’:batman, 'Bruce Wayne’:batman, 'bruce wayne’:batman, 'The Joker’:joker,
'the joker’:joker, 'joker’:joker, 'Joker’:joker, 'Two Face’:two_face, 'two face’:two_face,
'Harvey Dent’:two_face, 'harvey dent’:two_face, 'Twoface’:two_face, 'TwoFace’:two_face, 'superman’:superman,
'Superman’:superman, 'super man’:superman, 'Super Man’:superman, 'Super man’:superman, 'Wonder Woman’:wonder_woman,
'wonder woman’:wonder_woman, 'Wonderwoman’:wonder_woman, 'WonderWoman’:wonder_woman, 'Spider Man’:spider_man, 'spider man’:spider_man,
########################################################################Print character stats
cpu_index = ['health’, 'stamina’, 'morality’, 'strength’, 'height’, 'will’]
def print_all_toon_stats(deck):
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“* Name ********* Health ********* Stamina ********* Morality ********* Strength ********* Height ********* Will**”)
print (“—————————————————————————————————————————————–”)
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“* Name ********* Health ********* Stamina ********* Morality ********* Strength ********* Height ********* Will**”)
print (“—————————————————————————————————————————————–”)
for toon in deck:
col_1 = “*************”
col_1 = col_1.replace(“*”, toon.name + “ ”,1)
col_1 = col_1[:14]
col_2 = “**************”
col_2 = col_2.replace(“*”, str(toon.health) + “ ”,1)
col_2 = col_2[:16]
col_3 = “*******************************************”
col_3 = col_3.replace(“*”, str(toon.stamina) + “ ”,1)
col_3 = col_3[:17]
col_4 = “**************************”
col_4 = col_4.replace(“*”, str(toon.morality) + “ ”,1)
col_4 = col_4[:18]
col_5 = “****************”
col_5 = col_5.replace(“*”, str(toon.strength) + “ ”,1)
col_5 = col_5[:18]
col_6 = “****************************”
col_6 = col_6.replace(“*”, str(toon.height) + “ ”,1)
col_6 = col_6[:16]
col_7 = “**************”
col_7 = col_7.replace(“*”, str(toon.will) + “ ”,1)
col_7 = col_7[:10]
data_length = (len(toon.name) + len(str(toon.health)) + len(str(toon.stamina)) + len(str(toon.morality)) + len(str(toon.strength)) + len(str(toon.height)) + len(str(toon.will)))
print (“*”, col_1 + “|” + col_2, col_3, col_4, col_5, col_6, col_7)
print (“ ”)
col_1 = “*************”
col_1 = col_1.replace(“*”, toon.name + “ ”,1)
col_1 = col_1[:14]
col_2 = “**************”
col_2 = col_2.replace(“*”, str(toon.health) + “ ”,1)
col_2 = col_2[:16]
col_3 = “*******************************************”
col_3 = col_3.replace(“*”, str(toon.stamina) + “ ”,1)
col_3 = col_3[:17]
col_4 = “**************************”
col_4 = col_4.replace(“*”, str(toon.morality) + “ ”,1)
col_4 = col_4[:18]
col_5 = “****************”
col_5 = col_5.replace(“*”, str(toon.strength) + “ ”,1)
col_5 = col_5[:18]
col_6 = “****************************”
col_6 = col_6.replace(“*”, str(toon.height) + “ ”,1)
col_6 = col_6[:16]
col_7 = “**************”
col_7 = col_7.replace(“*”, str(toon.will) + “ ”,1)
col_7 = col_7[:10]
data_length = (len(toon.name) + len(str(toon.health)) + len(str(toon.stamina)) + len(str(toon.morality)) + len(str(toon.strength)) + len(str(toon.height)) + len(str(toon.will)))
print (“*”, col_1 + “|” + col_2, col_3, col_4, col_5, col_6, col_7)
print (“ ”)
########################################################################Player 1 character selections
def player_card_picker():
def player_1_pick():
player_1_pick = input(“Select a character to fight!”)
return str(player_1_pick)
def player_card_picker():
def player_1_pick():
player_1_pick = input(“Select a character to fight!”)
return str(player_1_pick)
card_picked = False
while card_picked == False:
player_1_pick = player_1_pick()
if player_1_pick in all_cards:
player_1_pick = all_cards[player_1_pick]
if player_1_pick in player_deck:
card_picked = True
print (“Invalid card. Please re-enter”)
player_1_pick = all_cards[player_1_pick]
if player_1_pick in player_deck:
card_picked = True
print (“Invalid card. Please re-enter”)
#######################################################################Random card selection
def cpu_card_picker():
random_1_pick = random.choice(cpu_deck)
return random_1_pick
random_1_pick = random.choice(cpu_deck)
return random_1_pick
#######################################################################Randomly assign cards to deck
def random_asign(deck):
if len(toon_list) == 0:
print (“Pack out of cards”)
while len(deck) < 5:
temp = random.choice(toon_list)
if temp in deck:
def random_asign(deck):
if len(toon_list) == 0:
print (“Pack out of cards”)
while len(deck) < 5:
temp = random.choice(toon_list)
if temp in deck:
if deck == player_deck:
print (“Your deck updated: ”)
print (deck[0].name, “|”, deck[1].name, “|”, deck[2].name, “|”, deck[3].name, “|”, deck[4].name, “|”)
print (“Your deck updated: ”)
print (deck[0].name, “|”, deck[1].name, “|”, deck[2].name, “|”, deck[3].name, “|”, deck[4].name, “|”)
#######################################################################Player terms
#######################################################################Game initialisation
game_started = False
turn_count = 0
game_started = False
turn_count = 0
while game_started == False:
game_started = True
print (“START”)
player_turn = True
while len(player_deck) > 0 and len(cpu_deck) > 0:
print (“START”)
player_turn = True
while len(player_deck) > 0 and len(cpu_deck) > 0:
turn_count += 1
current_card = random.choice(player_deck)
cpu_current_card = random.choice(cpu_deck)
if player_turn == True:
print (“”)
print (“YOU’RE NOW PLAYING WITH”, (current_card.name).upper() + “!”)
print (“*********************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“* Name ********* Health ********* Stamina ********* Morality ********* Strength ********* Height ********* Will******”)
print (“———————————————————————————————————————”)
col_1 = “*************”
col_1 = col_1.replace(“*”, current_card.name + “ ”,1)
col_1 = col_1[:14]
col_2 = “**************”
col_2 = col_2.replace(“*”, str(current_card.health) + “ ”,1)
col_2 = col_2[:16]
col_3 = “*******************************************”
col_3 = col_3.replace(“*”, str(current_card.stamina) + “ ”,1)
col_3 = col_3[:17]
col_4 = “**************************”
col_4 = col_4.replace(“*”, str(current_card.morality) + “ ”,1)
col_4 = col_4[:18]
col_5 = “****************”
col_5 = col_5.replace(“*”, str(current_card.strength) + “ ”,1)
col_5 = col_5[:18]
col_6 = “****************************”
col_6 = col_6.replace(“*”, str(current_card.height) + “ ”,1)
col_6 = col_6[:16]
col_7 = “**************”
col_7 = col_7.replace(“*”, str(current_card.will) + “ ”,1)
col_7 = col_7[:10]
print (“*”, col_1 + “|” + col_2, col_3, col_4, col_5, col_6, col_7)
print (“ ”)
class_selected = False
while class_selected == False:
current_class = (input(“What will you battle with?”)).lower()
if current_class == 'health’ or current_class == 'Health’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.health
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'stamina’ or current_class == 'Stamina’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.stamina
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'morality’ or current_class == 'Morality’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.morality
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'strength’ or current_class == 'Strength’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.strength
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'stamina’ or current_class == 'Stamina’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.stamina
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'height’ or current_class == 'Height’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.height
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'will’ or current_class == 'Will’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.will
class_selected = True
current_card = random.choice(player_deck)
cpu_current_card = random.choice(cpu_deck)
if player_turn == True:
print (“”)
print (“YOU’RE NOW PLAYING WITH”, (current_card.name).upper() + “!”)
print (“*********************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“* Name ********* Health ********* Stamina ********* Morality ********* Strength ********* Height ********* Will******”)
print (“———————————————————————————————————————”)
col_1 = “*************”
col_1 = col_1.replace(“*”, current_card.name + “ ”,1)
col_1 = col_1[:14]
col_2 = “**************”
col_2 = col_2.replace(“*”, str(current_card.health) + “ ”,1)
col_2 = col_2[:16]
col_3 = “*******************************************”
col_3 = col_3.replace(“*”, str(current_card.stamina) + “ ”,1)
col_3 = col_3[:17]
col_4 = “**************************”
col_4 = col_4.replace(“*”, str(current_card.morality) + “ ”,1)
col_4 = col_4[:18]
col_5 = “****************”
col_5 = col_5.replace(“*”, str(current_card.strength) + “ ”,1)
col_5 = col_5[:18]
col_6 = “****************************”
col_6 = col_6.replace(“*”, str(current_card.height) + “ ”,1)
col_6 = col_6[:16]
col_7 = “**************”
col_7 = col_7.replace(“*”, str(current_card.will) + “ ”,1)
col_7 = col_7[:10]
print (“*”, col_1 + “|” + col_2, col_3, col_4, col_5, col_6, col_7)
print (“ ”)
class_selected = False
while class_selected == False:
current_class = (input(“What will you battle with?”)).lower()
if current_class == 'health’ or current_class == 'Health’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.health
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'stamina’ or current_class == 'Stamina’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.stamina
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'morality’ or current_class == 'Morality’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.morality
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'strength’ or current_class == 'Strength’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.strength
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'stamina’ or current_class == 'Stamina’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.stamina
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'height’ or current_class == 'Height’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.height
class_selected = True
elif current_class == 'will’ or current_class == 'Will’:
current_battle_stat = current_card.will
class_selected = True
cpu_class_selected = False
while cpu_class_selected == False:
cpu_current_class = current_class
if cpu_current_class == 'health’ or cpu_current_class == 'Health’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.health
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'stamina’ or cpu_current_class == 'Stamina’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.stamina
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'morality’ or cpu_current_class == 'Morality’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.morality
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'strength’ or cpu_current_class == 'Strength’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.strength
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'stamina’ or cpu_current_class == 'Stamina’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.stamina
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'height’ or cpu_current_class == 'Height’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.height
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'will’ or cpu_current_class == 'Will’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.will
cpu_class_selected = True
while cpu_class_selected == False:
cpu_current_class = current_class
if cpu_current_class == 'health’ or cpu_current_class == 'Health’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.health
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'stamina’ or cpu_current_class == 'Stamina’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.stamina
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'morality’ or cpu_current_class == 'Morality’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.morality
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'strength’ or cpu_current_class == 'Strength’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.strength
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'stamina’ or cpu_current_class == 'Stamina’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.stamina
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'height’ or cpu_current_class == 'Height’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.height
cpu_class_selected = True
elif cpu_current_class == 'will’ or cpu_current_class == 'Will’:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.will
cpu_class_selected = True
print (current_card.name, “has”, current_battle_stat, current_class.capitalize())
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“************************”, (current_card.name).upper(), “(” + str(current_battle_stat) + “)”,“VS”, (cpu_current_card.name).upper(), “(” + str(cpu_current_battle_stat) + “)”, “************************”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“************************”, (current_card.name).upper(), “(” + str(current_battle_stat) + “)”,“VS”, (cpu_current_card.name).upper(), “(” + str(cpu_current_battle_stat) + “)”, “************************”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
elif player_turn == False:
cpu_current_battle_stat = 0
cpu_current_class = 0
cpu_current_class = 0
for x in cpu_index:
if x == 'health’:
if cpu_current_card.health > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.health
current_battle_stat = current_card.health
current_class = x
if x == 'stamina’:
if cpu_current_card.stamina > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.stamina
current_battle_stat = current_card.stamina
current_class = x
if x == 'morality’:
if cpu_current_card.morality > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.morality
current_battle_stat = current_card.morality
current_class = x
if x == 'strength’:
if cpu_current_card.strength > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.strength
current_battle_stat = current_card.strength
current_class = x
if x == 'height’:
if cpu_current_card.height > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.height
current_battle_stat = current_card.height
current_class = x
if x == 'will’:
if cpu_current_card.will > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.will
current_battle_stat = current_card.will
current_class = x
if x == 'health’:
if cpu_current_card.health > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.health
current_battle_stat = current_card.health
current_class = x
if x == 'stamina’:
if cpu_current_card.stamina > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.stamina
current_battle_stat = current_card.stamina
current_class = x
if x == 'morality’:
if cpu_current_card.morality > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.morality
current_battle_stat = current_card.morality
current_class = x
if x == 'strength’:
if cpu_current_card.strength > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.strength
current_battle_stat = current_card.strength
current_class = x
if x == 'height’:
if cpu_current_card.height > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.height
current_battle_stat = current_card.height
current_class = x
if x == 'will’:
if cpu_current_card.will > cpu_current_battle_stat:
cpu_current_battle_stat = cpu_current_card.will
current_battle_stat = current_card.will
current_class = x
print (“”)
print (“YOU’RE NOW PLAYING WITH”, (current_card.name).upper() + “!”)
print (“*********************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“* Name ********* Health ********* Stamina ********* Morality ********* Strength ********* Height ********* Will******”)
print (“———————————————————————————————————————”)
col_1 = “*************”
col_1 = col_1.replace(“*”, current_card.name + “ ”,1)
col_1 = col_1[:14]
col_2 = “**************”
col_2 = col_2.replace(“*”, str(current_card.health) + “ ”,1)
col_2 = col_2[:16]
col_3 = “*******************************************”
col_3 = col_3.replace(“*”, str(current_card.stamina) + “ ”,1)
col_3 = col_3[:17]
col_4 = “**************************”
col_4 = col_4.replace(“*”, str(current_card.morality) + “ ”,1)
col_4 = col_4[:18]
col_5 = “****************”
col_5 = col_5.replace(“*”, str(current_card.strength) + “ ”,1)
col_5 = col_5[:18]
col_6 = “****************************”
col_6 = col_6.replace(“*”, str(current_card.height) + “ ”,1)
col_6 = col_6[:16]
col_7 = “**************”
col_7 = col_7.replace(“*”, str(current_card.will) + “ ”,1)
col_7 = col_7[:10]
print (“*”, col_1 + “|” + col_2, col_3, col_4, col_5, col_6, col_7)
print (“ ”)
print (“YOU’RE NOW PLAYING WITH”, (current_card.name).upper() + “!”)
print (“*********************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“* Name ********* Health ********* Stamina ********* Morality ********* Strength ********* Height ********* Will******”)
print (“———————————————————————————————————————”)
col_1 = “*************”
col_1 = col_1.replace(“*”, current_card.name + “ ”,1)
col_1 = col_1[:14]
col_2 = “**************”
col_2 = col_2.replace(“*”, str(current_card.health) + “ ”,1)
col_2 = col_2[:16]
col_3 = “*******************************************”
col_3 = col_3.replace(“*”, str(current_card.stamina) + “ ”,1)
col_3 = col_3[:17]
col_4 = “**************************”
col_4 = col_4.replace(“*”, str(current_card.morality) + “ ”,1)
col_4 = col_4[:18]
col_5 = “****************”
col_5 = col_5.replace(“*”, str(current_card.strength) + “ ”,1)
col_5 = col_5[:18]
col_6 = “****************************”
col_6 = col_6.replace(“*”, str(current_card.height) + “ ”,1)
col_6 = col_6[:16]
col_7 = “**************”
col_7 = col_7.replace(“*”, str(current_card.will) + “ ”,1)
col_7 = col_7[:10]
print (“*”, col_1 + “|” + col_2, col_3, col_4, col_5, col_6, col_7)
print (“ ”)
print (current_card.name, “has”, current_battle_stat, current_class.capitalize())
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“************************”, (current_card.name).upper(), “(” + str(current_battle_stat) + “)”,“VS”, (cpu_current_card.name).upper(), “(” + str(cpu_current_battle_stat) + “)”, “************************”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“************************”, (current_card.name).upper(), “(” + str(current_battle_stat) + “)”,“VS”, (cpu_current_card.name).upper(), “(” + str(cpu_current_battle_stat) + “)”, “************************”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
if current_battle_stat > cpu_current_battle_stat:
print ((current_card.name).upper(), “WINS!”)
player_turn = True
elif current_battle_stat < cpu_current_battle_stat:
print ((cpu_current_card.name).upper(), “WINS!”)
player_turn = False
print ((current_card.name).upper(), “WINS!”)
player_turn = True
elif current_battle_stat < cpu_current_battle_stat:
print ((cpu_current_card.name).upper(), “WINS!”)
player_turn = False
print (“CPU has”, len(cpu_deck), “cards left!”)
print (“You have”, len(player_deck), “cards left!”)
print (“You have”, len(player_deck), “cards left!”)
if current_battle_stat > cpu_current_battle_stat:
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“##############”)
print (“###HAND WON###”)
print (“##############”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
elif current_battle_stat < cpu_current_battle_stat:
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“###############”)
print (“###HAND LOST###”)
print (“###############”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“###############”)
print (“###HAND DRAW###”)
print (“###############”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“##############”)
print (“###HAND WON###”)
print (“##############”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
elif current_battle_stat < cpu_current_battle_stat:
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“###############”)
print (“###HAND LOST###”)
print (“###############”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
print (“###############”)
print (“###HAND DRAW###”)
print (“###############”)
print (“”)
print (“”)
if len(cpu_deck) == 0:
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** ******************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** YOU WIN ******************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** ******************************************************************”)
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** *****************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** YOU LOSE *****************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** *****************************************************************”)
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** ******************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** YOU WIN ******************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** ******************************************************************”)
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** *****************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** YOU LOSE *****************************************************************”)
print (“************************************************************** *****************************************************************”)
print (“*****************************************************************************************************************************************”)
for x in player_deck:
for x in cpu_deck:
for x in cpu_deck:
Valid = False
while Valid == False:
while Valid == False:
play_again = input(“Would you like to play again?”)
if play_again == 'Yes’ or play_again == 'yes’ or play_again == 'y’ or play_again == 'Y’:
game_started = False
Valid = True
elif play_again == 'No’ or play_again == 'no’ or play_again == 'n’ or play_again == 'N’:
print (“Thanks for playing!!”)
Valid = True
print (“Invalid input, please try again!”)
game_started = False
Valid = True
elif play_again == 'No’ or play_again == 'no’ or play_again == 'n’ or play_again == 'N’:
print (“Thanks for playing!!”)
Valid = True
print (“Invalid input, please try again!”)
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